目前分類:2015 北歐 (8)

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Over the Sky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Over the Sky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在坦佩雷觀光行程路線,應該只有在市中心的Pyynikki Park and Observation Tower還有Hervanta的Water Tower,其餘時間都是朋友帶我去玩,像是去跳巴西的舞蹈-Forro跟去夏季小屋體驗芬蘭傳統三溫暖。
本篇網誌純記錄性質(哪篇不是?),分為三個段落: Hervanta、坦佩雷市中心跟夏季小屋。

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Uppsala is situated north of Stockholm, it is also the fourth largest city of Sweden.
It takes 1 hour from Stockholm to Uppsala by bus or 40 minutes to 1 hour by train.

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We were supposed to wake up early but we failed because we went to sleep around 2am.
After finishing eating breakfast, we headed for the city center. We planned to go there by bus; however, we noticed the bus comes once per hour instead of half an hour. Hence, train was our solution to leave Tenhult.

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The first thing I got to do in Sweden was to eat dinner in Stockholm, I was starving when we arrived in Stockholm City Center at 8 p.m. Because of jet lags, I went to sleep before midnight but I still remembered to buy some beers.

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The Nordic Trip in May was planned in January of 2015. 
The purposes for this trip were to visit Jonkoping City where I had stayed for half a year as an exchange student and to visit my Finnish friends in Tampere. In addition, I also had one day trip in Uppsala, Sweden. 
Description of the picture,
Upper Left: Uppsala Cathedral, Uppsala, Sweden.
Bottom Left: Särkijärvi Lake, Tampere, Finland.  
Upper Right, Furan Accommodation, Jonkoping, Sweden.
Middle Right: Swedish Parliament Building, Stockholm, Sweden.
Bottom Right: Tenhult, Jonkoping, Sweden


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